Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Dealing With Anxiety

Anxiety creates a restlessness within your mind and body that creates an unsettled feeling, making it difficult for you to focus and concentrate. These feelings come from a search for peace - without knowing how or where to find it. We experience it as a relentless pursuit of perfection and a desire for control in an attempt to find some serenity in our lives but what we end up creating is a quagmire of stress.

Take Frequent Breaks

Real peace and serenity cannot be found by outward distractions and diversions, this can only be found by tuning in to the core of your being where your inner light resides. Take frequent breaks throughout the day (and especially during difficult situations, or whenever you feel anxious), close your eyes and breathing deeply while focusing on a calming thought will help bring harmonious solutions to all apparent problems.

Anxiety as Physical Pain

If this technique does nothing to alleviate your anxiety and you feel anxiety as physical pain you may benefit from using a cellular memory cleansing techniques which I will discuss in further posts.


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